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The inspiration story of the domain

Perhaps one of the biggest challenges when putting a project online is choosing an Internet domain that represents the project central idea. In addition, we are limited in the use of special characters from some languages.

Thus, to represent the Beneficial Presence we were inspired by the ideas of two people separated by 800 years of history: Saint Francis of Assisi (bene) and Otto Scharmer (presence) with the creation of the benepresence domain



The motto of Saint Francis of Assisi is "Pace e Bene" or Peace and good (well) in English. In this way, the inspiration for bene comes from the example of a compassionate life that St. Francis had. 



I got to know more deeply about the work of Professor Otto Scharmer in 2013, when I was doing my doctoral internship in the USA. Otto created the Presencing Institute, promoting the study and practice of presence, as a way to positively transform the world. So presence has this inspiration.

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