Attention: this method is to help anyone who needs to make a decision. It can be used to facilitate your services.
SeVen Systemic Map ©
Discover a method that brings more clarity to your clients' questions and helps them make decisions in a more efficient way
If you work with human development (People Management, Psychology, Psychotherapies, Constellations, Access Bars, Reiki and other areas) and do you want a method to speed up your diagnoses and to have more clarity about your clients' questions then sign up to learn about SeVen Systemic Map and find out how you can use it in your services to increase your revenue or guarantee extra income by starting to work with this.

Dear professional
You are about to discover, and access in a personalized way, a method that can increase your performance in your services, your billing and even start providing services and earning extra income quickly and safely.
I'm talking about a method that was developed based on Positive Psychology, Jung's archetypes and the Systemic Field, without you needing to have prior knowledge on these subjects just using your experience and prior knowledge of your current area of work.
See some reports of people receiving assistance with the SeVen Systemic Map, this could be your reality and that of your clients:
An innovative Method which systematizes information from the Systemic Field through Archetypes and Cards with character strengths proposed by Positive Psychology
Encontro 1
O objetivo deste encontro é de apresentar os princípios da meditação, trabalhar os pilares da postura e da respiração.
Encontro 2
As práticas são relacionadas à autoestima, à coragem, ao domínio do poder pessoal e da nossa capacidade de auto expressão.
Encontro 3
As atividades visam ampliar a capacidade de expressão, da criatividade, e principalmente abordar a nossa capacidade de escuta
Encontro 4
Técnicas para conexão com as pessoas e com o ambiente externo, para melhorar os relacionamentos interpessoais e com instituições como um todo
Encontro 5
Perceber as qualidades mais sutis da realidade, para permitir a abertura para uma sensibilidade intuitiva e percepção interna.
Encontro 6
Percepção do mundo físico, estimulando a motivação e intenção das atividades em busca de estabilidade e de identidade, perante a si mesmo e ao mundo
Encontro 7
Ampliação da consciência, de que fazemos parte de um todo muito maior do que nós mesmos, trazendo esta consciência para nossas atividades.
What you will have access to when selected:
Know a tested and validated method for diagnosing issues facing your customers or employees
Opportunity to improve the performance of your services and improve your revenue
Have the opportunity to participate in the first training classes of the method
Possibility of earning extra income with services using the SeVen Systemic Map

Cláudio is a businessman, PhD in Administration from UFRGS/Brazil with doctoral internship at Boston College (USA), specialist in Positive Psychology from PUCRS, professor and mentor in Human Development.
With more than 5 thousand students and clients served, he has extensive experience in Brazil and abroad, and he has compiled practices and knowledge to develop a method for diagnosing issues in different areas of Human Development.
Register to contact Dr. Cláudio directly